Introduction to Unit XXIV: Let's Meet For Lunch

In Unit XXIV you will review school terminology, as well as apply new vocabulary related to school subjects. You will learn conversational phrases for inviting friends to lunch or other outings. There will be opportunities to practise using Perfective verbs, pronouns and prepositions as related to the theme. In addition, you will work on reading comprehension and some translation skills.

Цілі навчання
Learning Outcomes

What will you learn by the end of this Unit?

  1. To review the use of prepositions with all cases.
  2. To review types of pronouns, with emphasis on case declension of personal pronouns.
  3. To practice conversational phrases for inviting friends to lunch, coffee, a movie or other social outing.
  4. To review and reinforce selected Perfective verbs.
  5. To review school terminology and to introduce the names of subjects through a comparison of those taught in Saskatchewan and Ukraine .

Діялог 24 – Перед обідом


Хлопці - Тарас, Василь та Андрій просять Лесю Новак іти з ними на обід. Леся не може йти до кафетерії з хлопцями, бо їй треба поговорити з директором. Друзі питають, чи вона забула своє завдання вдома. Леся відповідає, що їй треба поговорити з директором про курси. Хлопці просять Лесю зайти до кафетерії, коли вона скінчить розмовляти з директором.

Translate the synopsis of the dialogue into English. Use the Unit dictionary if necessary.








Граматичні форми
Structures and Patterns
Cultural Enrichment
Cumulative Dictionary Unit Dialogue Cultural Segment B