Introduction to Unit XXI: Meeting Someone New

In Unit XXI you will learn to use structures and phrases for polite introductions. You will have the opportunity to review the use of the Vocative Case, as well as the pattern of noun – adjective agreement with selected cases. This Unit will provide you with an introduction to the skill of translation from English to Ukrainian.

Цілі навчання
Learning Outcomes

What will you learn by the end of this Unit?

•  To apply the Vocative Case to masculine and feminine proper nouns and a few plural nouns.

•  To demonstrate the ability to apply grammatical patterns for agreement of adjectives and nouns in the Nominative and Accusative Cases.

•  To examine the use of pronouns in the Dative Case.

•  To practise conversational patterns for greeting new acquaintances and introducing oneself appropriately.

•  To show an ability to transfer thoughts from English into Ukrainian by translating simple text .

Діялог 21– Зустріч


По дорозі до школи Тарас, Василь та Андрій бачать гарну нову дівчину. Вони хочуть познайомитися! Хлопці думають, що може ця дівчина не знає куди йти й вони хочуть їй допомогти.

Translate the synopsis of the dialogue into English. Use the Unit dictionary if necessary.








Граматичні форми
Structures and Patterns
Cultural Enrichment
Cumulative Dictionary Unit Dialogue Cultural Segment A