Now it is time to review the Learning Outcomes which were given at the beginning of this Unit.

1. To demonstrate greater competence in writing and pronouncing the letters of the Ukrainian alphabet.

    • The written exercises in the Cultural Component of Unit II required you to review the vowels, consonants and lists of Ukrainian words which were chosen to assist you in gaining greater competence in pronunciation.

2. To participate in activities which reinforce listening, speaking, reading and writing on the topic ‘Conversing With A Friend”.

    • Throughout the Unit, you were given opportunities to listen to the dialogue, repeat basic phrases, confer with your instructor, read and write Ukrainian text while completing the practise exercises.

3. To display appropriate Ukrainian pronunciation skills for terms which are cognates (words which sound very similar in English).

    • You were introduced to the following cognates: журнал, спорт, теніс, бейсбол, волейбол, гокей, керлінґ, футбол, бовлінґ, текст. You have learned that these Ukrainian words are pronounced differently than their English counterparts.

4. To demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of several Ukrainian verbs and their pattern of change in sentences for subject-verb agreement.

    • You were introduced to the category of verbs referred to as the Group 1 Conjugation or the є-ють, е-уть Group. Specifically, you learned about the verbs читати, слухати, питати from this group .

5. To use simple question-answer techniques in order to greet a friend and conduct a simple conversation about pastimes such as reading or sports.

    • The following basic questioning patterns were introduced:

    Як ся маєш? Добре, дякую.

    Що ти робиш? Я читаю.

    Коли ти слухаєш? Я тепер слухаю.

    А що ти читаєш? Я читаю журнал. (текст, словник)

    Про що ти читаєш? Я читаю про спорт. (теніс, футбол).

Now you are ready for the Unit II Assignment. The entire assignment is to be sent by FAX to your instructor by the date given in the Student Calendar.


Unit II: Part 1 – Oral Assignment - 48 marks

The Oral Assignment will be conducted during a pre-arranged teleconference with your instructor. You will be asked to read the passages given below. Pronunciation, intonation and proper accents are important.

A. 16 marks (2 for each speaker's statements)

- Як ся маєш, Оленко?

- Добре, дякую. А що ти робиш?

- Тепер я читаю.

- Що ти читаєш?

- Я читаю журнал.

- Про що ти читаєш?

- Я читаю про теніс.

- Ти читаєш журнал про теніс? Добре!

B. 20 marks (5 marks each)

1. Чи ти слухаєш? Так, я тепер слухаю.

2. Наталка читає про баскетбол, а Іван про гокей.

3. Він питає про керлінґ, а вони питають про футбол.

4. Ми читаємо про бейсбол, а ви читаєте про волейбол.

C. 12 marks - Oral statements (2 marks per sentence)

Write out the six sentences which you will hear read by your instructor. Add accents to words of more than one syllable.

1. ___________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________


Unit II: Part 2 – Written Assignment

The Written Assignment is to be completed and sent by fax to the course instructor on the date indicated in the Student Calendar. Please write carefully, as your Ukrainian handwriting skills will also be evaluated in the Assignment.

II  Assignment 1 (12 marks - 2 marks each)

Use the illustrations from Dialogue 2 to assist you in responding to the questions.

Хто тут?
Де Тарас?
Що Тарас читає?
Хто слухає?
Про що Тарас читає?
Коли Тарас читає?

II  Assignment 2 (10 marks - 2 marks each)

Answer the questions about the picture shown below.

Хто тут?
Хто читає?
Про що Тарас читає?
Що Тарас читає?
Хто вдома?

II  Assignment 3 (30 marks - 2 marks each)

Answer the questions using complete sentences.

Хто читає?
Де Тарас?
Чи Роман читає?
Хто вдома?
Чи пан Козак удома?
Що Тарас читає?
Хто питає?
Про що Тарас читає?
Де Тарас читає?
Хто тут?
Чи Тарас тепер читає?
Чи Тарас удома?
Де Роман?
Що Тарас читає?
Хто читає журнал?
Де журнал?

Your mark out of 100 is _______________

Assessment Value - 5 % of your total course mark.
