French Immersion at École Warman Elementary School

Prairie Spirit School Division offers a strong and growing French Immersion program at École Warman Elementary School.

For the 2024/25 school year, École Warman Elementary School will offer French Immersion programming for Kindergarten through Grade 7. The program is currently designed to add a grade each year.

École Warman Elementary School (

Kindergarten and Grade 1 are the entry points for the French immersion program.

Parents do not need to speak French to enroll their children in French immersion — most parents have little or no French language skills.

The percentage of instruction in French through Kindergarten to Grade 7 is:

  • Kindergarten: 100%*
  • Grades 1 and 2: 100%*
  • Grades 3 to 5: 70 – 90% – One English Language Arts is taught to French Immersion students
  • Grades 6 to 7: 50 -70%

*the occasional use of English will be acceptable for the understanding of content and new vocabulary.

This program is designed for students whose first language is not French and uses French as the primary language of instruction. Participating in a French Immersion program throughout K-12 will give students the ability to communicate effectively in Canada’s two official languages.

Upon completing the French Immersion program in high school, students can read, speak, write, and listen in French. Students will graduate with a bilingual Grade 12 diploma, which allows the students to pursue post-secondary education/training in both French and English. This also opens the door for many employment opportunities where being bilingual is preferred, such as government jobs and employment abroad.

Did you know: The Juno Beach war memorial in Normandy, France, will hire only Canadian workers since it is a Canadian memorial? Knowing the French language could help open more career possibilities for your child!


Francophone Discoveries – Saskatchewan
Assemblée communautaire fransaskoise (ACF)
Bonjour Saskatchewan
Francophone Community Profile of Saskatchewan (PDF)
Creation Production Education Presentation – Fransaskois theatre

121 Collins Street, Warman, Saskatchewan | Contact Form